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Celebrating 11 years of Love, Hope and Sustainability 


2024 (So Far!)

  • WWC is number one Charitable Children's Institute in County

  • Purchase plot of land for future expansion

  • Deeper collaboration with the Children’s Department

  • Construction of new Community Center starts in June

  • 7 new vulnerable children arrive at WWC

  • New medical parternship with Afyia Hospital (local)

  • New dental partnership with Afyia Hospital

  • Empowering families on the ground

  • Hiring of professional therapist for trauma work

  • Reintegrated children return to lead projects


  • Children continue to excel in school

  • 6 children successfully reintegrated back to their families

  • Increase assessments of children and family of origin

  • WWC supports exited children through Secondary School

  • New home is built for the family of a child

  • WWC assists most needy guardians with start up businesses

  • Increased investment in solar power



  • Children excelling in school

  • Renewed collaboration with the Children’s Department

  • 8 new admittances

  • 7 children graduated from the program

  • Lions SightFirst Eye Clinic at WWC

  • World Friends Vaccine Clinic at WWC

  • Infrastructure upgrades

  • Solar egg incubator is incorporated into farming

  • New septic system



  • Children transition to private school

  • Household Economic Strengthening program in progress

  • Sept. 11  Free Clinic in partnership with Lions SightFirst Eye at WWC

  • Expansion of solar - WWC  off the grid (keeping electricity as backup)

  • Enhanced security

  • Infrastructure upgrades

  • Strengthened relationships in the community

  • Free monthly medical clinics with World Friends


  • 1 new 20x50 greenhouse

  • Everline Omenya is appointed General Manager

  • Medical Clinics at WWC in partnership with World Friends begin

  • Increased Guardian support due to Covid

  • In house tutoring and revision work for children



  • Expansion of shamba

  • 2 new 20x50 greenhouses

  • Increased production of vegetables

  • Upgraded kitchen

  • Construction of Community Center

  • Everline Omenya is hired as Program Manager

We have accomplished so much since the children were housed at the previous orphanage.  We are now able to set our sites on goals and reach them without the unexpected hurdles of corruption and greed.


Free from the limitations we have forged new alliances of people who truly care about the well being of the children.

2015 ​

  • October 2015: WWC builds a much need boy's dorm.​

  • July 2015: WatotoWorld partners with Recorders Without Borders.  We welcomed two teachers from the US to teach recorders at WWC and 5 Elementary Schools in our region.

  • August 2015: Watoto World Center wins 2 awards at the Super Kids Africa Competition!  The children have trophies for Most Creative and Best Music Awards.  Bravo!

  • January 2015: The children of Watoto World Center are all in the top 10 of their classes.

  • June 2015: WatotoWorld acquires two additional plots of land adjacent to our compound. We now own 2 acres of land.



  •  January: Shamba is tilled on new plot. WWC now grows carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, sekuma, sweet potatoes, watermelons and banana trees.

  • April: Watoto World Center goes solar.

  • July: Watoto World contructs a new office so that our store is independent and more efficient. New van is purchased for much needed transportation.

  • August:  Watoto World Center wins HOME OF THE YEAR 2014 at Super Kids Africa Competition.

  • September:  Watoto World Center celebrates 1st Anniversary.


  • February 2013 One plot of land is donated for construction of WWC

  • July: Completed the Watoto World Center​

  • ​September:  Watoto World Center opens​

  • November: WW, Inc, purchases plot of land next to WWC


  • Infrastructure improvements and enhancements

  • New Activity Center

  • Utility vehicle purchased - eliminating all outside transportation costs

  • Chicken project triples in size - 2 varieties of chickens

  • Exporting chickens to market 2x per week

  • WWC cannot keep up with the demand for eggs!

  • Begin using 1 plot of land as a demonstration plot for a Kenyan seed company

  • WatotoWorld Inc, purchases another plot of land

  • Children perform music and play recorders for a Nairobi radio station

  • Transition from wood to gas for fuel - more economical and environmentally better



  • Watoto World Center is Number 1 Center in our county

  • Solar pump installed

  •  Drip irrigation system installed

  •  WatotoWorld, Inc. purchases one plot of land

  •  Size of shamba increases 

  •  Water is life - we are growing most vegetables instead of purchasing

  • School Bus purchased

  • 2 children are adopted to two families

  • Electricity comes to WWC /Solar Power remains primary source

  •  CCTV installed

  • Internet comes to WWC

  • Chicken project begins

  • Recorder Without Borders

  • Soccer Camp comes to Kenya - 4 guests arrive and teach give camp to 7 schools/400 children



  • WWC constructs a borehole!  Water is life.  WWC will now secure a drip irrigation system in our garden, which puts us directly on the path to total self sustainability.  

  • Recorders Without Borders

  • WWC purchases another lot of land

Before WWC opening


  • January 2012: Purchased 16 new beds, mattresses and 30 heavy blankets​

  • During every trip, new uniforms, shoes, school supplies, toiletries, doctor visits and cooking and cleaning staples are provided.

  • 2009: Built swing set.  Collaborate with school in US to provide shoes for all.​

  • 2009 -2010: Completed playground with roundabout, see - saws and basketball court​

  • 2010: Built a new roof on home

  • 2010 - 2011:  Built and completed a boys dorm; Purchased 14 new beds and mattresses


My immediate goal with WatotoWorld, Inc. is to continue raising funds for the children.  As it stands, our donors and I pay for the majority of all needs: infrastructure, food, clothing, Matron's wages,  doctor visits, school supplies, uniforms, clothing, shoes and occasional school fees.  Without these basic needs, these children would fail to thrive.

Consequently, we have a vested interest in each child, and a commitment to ensure that each one is provided with the tools necessary for survival.

The Community Center is operational with monthly medical clinics and quarterly specialty clinics with our partners on the ground.  In addition to the clinics, WWC is developing life skills programs ie agricultural, technological, and educational programs for the benefit of all children and adults in our community.


There is a critical need for orphanages in this area, particularly homes that can provide the basic human needs, enveloped in love and security.  There are over two million orphans in Kenya. WatotoWorld wishes to take in additional children as space allows.  Over the past eight years, the hard work and subsequent accomplishments have given us the necessary experience, tools and drive to move forward. 

With your continued help, we can ensure this continued success and work towards building a new community in order to provide a brighter future for these children and others in the Kajiado District.

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